Hagi・iwami Airport

Basic data

Facility summary and accessibility conditions

It’s known as “Hagi-Iwami Airport” and is located in Masuda city, Shimane prefecture.
The regular lines are between Iwami and Tokyo (Haneda), with two round flights a day.
Seasonal flights to Osaka are also operated regularly.
Wheelchair loaning is available inside the facility.
There are few bumps and accessible bathrooms are available.
Upon prior consultation at “ANA’s Consultation Counter for People with Disabilities,” it's possible to get kind support from their staff.

Address 597-I Uchida-chō, Masuda, Shimane
Telephone 0856-24-0010
Fax 0856-24-2570
URL http://www.iwami.or.jp/airport/index.htm
Reception hours 9:00 - 19:00
Regular holidays

Open throughout the year

Transportation, closest station, bus stop

The nearest station is Masuda Station, by Iwami Kōtsū Bus, Iwami Kūkō line, around 12 minutes. (Because some buses are not low floor, it’s necessary to check and confirm in advance.)

Bumps at the entrance


Entrance width
Accessible bathroom Yes
Bathroom entrance width
Accessible parking space

Yes (5).
Accessible parking space (2)

Wheelchair loaning


Multilingual information Available
Display items with multilingual explanation
Multilingual pamphlets
Staff fluent in foreign languages
Wifi connection Yes
Audio (English) guidance


Accesible data

Photo Comment
Outlook of the airport Parking space and the outlook of the airport
Departure counter Around the departure counter
Waiting room Waiting room.
It is a little narrow in front of the vending machines.
Inside the elevator Inside the elevator
Table seats inside "Sorara" Inside the restaurant “Sorara”
Accessible bathroom inside the airport View of the accessible bathroom