Sand Museum

Basic data

Facility summary and accessibility conditions

The Sand Museum in Tottori Sand Dune is an indoor museum exhibiting sculptures made of sand.
World-class sand sculptures made by excellent sculptors from all over the world are on display every year.
The theme for the exhibition varies each year.
Exhibition term starts in April and ends in January next year.
In addition to an elevator to go to different floors, ramps are equipped in the museum building with due considerations to seniors and the disabled people.

Address 2083-17,yuyama fukube-cho,Tottori-shi, Tottori
Telephone 0857-20-2231
Fax 0857-20-2232
Reception hours 9:00 - 20:00 ( latest admission 19:30 )
Regular holidays

The museum closes when the exhibition term finishes.

Transportation, closest station, bus stop

1 minute walk from Tottori Sakyu Sunano Bijyutukannmae

Bumps at the entrance

No (automatic door)

Entrance width
Accessible bathroom 2 (wheelchair and ostomate accessible toilets at Museum building and Sand Pal building)
Bathroom entrance width
Accessible parking space

Yes (10)

Wheelchair loaning

2 at exhibition room at Museum building, 5 at Sand Pal building

Multilingual information English, Chinese and Korean in signboard and display
Display items with multilingual explanation
Multilingual pamphlets Available in English, Chinese and Korean
Staff fluent in foreign languages


Wifi connection
Audio (English) guidance

Accesible data

Photo Comment

A three-quarter view of Sand Museum

Accessible bathroom in Sand Museum

Inside view of Sand Museum

Inside view of Sand Museum

Outside view of Sand Museum